Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 4, 2007


Picture Converter is an indispensable tool for anyone who uses digital photos. Designed to be both simple and powerful, Picture Converter is suitable for everyone from professional photographers to eBay sellers. Working with photos just got easier and faster.
Send photos in email faster

Photos direct from your digital camera are designed to be fine detail for large printouts. However, this detail is not necessary for emails as computer screens lack the resolution to take advantage of the extra detail. Picture Converter can shrink the photos to a more manageable size and makes it up to 14 times faster to send and receive the photos. This is really useful if you're on a dial-up connection and it also saves a lot of space in your inbox.

Prepare photos for eBay

Good photos help your items sell faster and get more bids. However, preparing your photos using conventional software is hard and time consuming. Not anymore! Picture Converter contains a built-in profile for quickly resizing and formatting pictures for use on eBay.

Use digital photos in digital video

The resolution difference between DV and digital photos means that each picture must be tediously resized to match the DV framesize. Picture Converter makes this simple with built-in profiles for both NTSC and PAL. Photos that don't match the proper aspect ratio can be letterboxed with customizable background colours.

Move pictures between different formats

Picture Converter can convert pictures, either singly or in batches, between JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF, Photoshop and more. You have complete control over the conversion options, including compression rate, colour depth and more.
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